Friday, May 18, 2007

Superman : Powers and Weapons

Powers and Weapons
Since Superman is a native of Krypton, a planet that had a red sun, under a yellow sun (like that of Earth's his Kryptonian cells act as living solar batteries, absorbing solar energy and giving him superhuman powers. He possesses tremendous strength; while Superman's strength is not infinite, its full extent is so grea that it has never been accurately measured. His body is virtually indesrtuctible.

Superman's sharp senses enable him to hear souns too faint to be detected by the normal human ear. His "telescopic vision" enables him to focus his sight on distant objects far beyond the range of normal human sight. His "microscopic vision" allows him to observe an object in microscopic detail. Superman's so called "x-ray vision" enables him to see clearly through solid objects. Certain dense materials, notably lead, obstruct this ability. His power to generate heat within objects manifests itself as a red glow within his eyes, and is therefore known as "heat vision."

Superman can move, react, and think at superhuman speeds greater than that of sound. He can defy gravity and fly through force of will. Superman's irradiated cells generate a force field that extends for a fraction of an inch around his body, rendering any material within the field nearly indestructible, such as his skin tight costume. (Because his cape extends beyond the field, it is easily damaged.)

Superman is vulnerable to the radiation of Kryptonite, a substance from his native planet. Kryptonite radiation will kill Superman within minutes. He is also vulnerable to magic, and to the psionic powers of some beings, such as Braniac.

Superman must fill his lungs with air before flying through outer space. He can thus survive without breathing for several hours, but ulitmately he must replenish his oxygen supply to remain alive.

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