Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Fantastic Four plot summary (Movie 2007)

Set two years after the first film, Reed Richards and Sue Storm are preparing for their wedding. A silver object enters Earth's atmosphere, radiating cosmic energy that creates massive molecular fluctuations at locations across the Earth, causing deep craters at these places. The government approaches Reed to build a sensor to track the movements of the object.

As the wedding begins, Reed's sensor detects the phenomenon approaching New York City, causing a massive power blackout. The object destroys the sensor while the Fantastic Four protect the crowd. The Human Torch then pursues the object, discovering that it is a humanoid, a "Silver Surfer". He confronts the Surfer, only to be dragged into the upper atmosphere.

After his flame snuffs out, the Surfer drops him back towards Earth, but he reactivates his powers and survives the fall. Reed's examination reveals that exposure to the Surfer has caused Johnny's DNA to destabilize, allowing him to switch powers with his teammates through physical contact. Tracing the cosmic energy of the Surfer, Reed discovers that a series of planets the alien had visited before Earth have all been destroyed.

The Surfer's movements around the globe bring him past Latveria, where the cosmic energy affects Victor von Doom, freeing him from two years as a metal statue. Doom, able to move again, and returned to a human, if scarred form, traces the Surfer to the Arctic and makes him an offer to join forces. When the Surfer rebuffs him, Doom attacks. The Surfer returns fire, blasting Doom through the ice. The cosmic energy of the Surfer's blast heals Doom's body, reversing the changes seen in the first film. Doom leverages his experience into a deal with the American military, who force the Fantastic Four to work with Doom. Deducing that the Surfer's board is the source of his power, the group develops a device that will separate him from his board. While setting up the pulse generator, Sue is confronted by the Surfer, in which he reveals he is only a servant to the destroyer of worlds. The military opens fire on the Surfer, distracting him, allowing the four to fire the pulse and capture the Surfer and his board.

The military imprison the Surfer in Siberia, and forbid the Fantastic Four from interacting with him, while they torture him for information. Sue uses her powers to sneak into his cell, where she learns more information from the Surfer. He tells her his master was known by the people of his world as Galactus, an entity which must feed on life-bearing planets to survive, and that his board is a homing beacon which even now summons him to the planet.

Doom, pursuing the power in the board, attacks the military within the compound, and uses a device to gain control of the board. The Fantastic Four rescue the Surfer, and pursue Doom in the Fantasticar, eventually confronting him in Shanghai. During the battle, Sue is mortally wounded. With the Surfer powerless, Johnny takes on the powers of the entire team. The Thing manages to knock Doom into the harbor where he is last seen sinking. However, Galactus has already arrived. His power restored, the Surfer revives Sue and chooses to defend Earth by flying into Galactus and confronting him. This results in a massive energy blast, apparently killing himself in the process.

The crisis averted, Reed and Sue are married in a small ceremony, which is rushed through by yet another emergency alert that the team flies off to attend.

The credits cut back to a shot of the Silver Surfer's seemingly lifeless body floating through space. Just as he drifts off the edge of the screen, his board races out of shot to reunite with his body.

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